Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Look in Their Eyes...

I have been fortunate enough to receive several comments from you loyal readers that truly touch me.  Recently I received a link to a slideshow made by one of the incredible volunteers that enabled the rescue of Uno and 40+ others from Spain.  As I watched the slideshow of the pictures of their first days away from the laboratory, what really struck me was the look in the Beagles' eyes.  I remember my husband saying to me the first day that Uno came to his Forever Home, "I guess he'll always have that look in his eyes..."

It was a distant look, it was the look of a dog that had known little, if any, affection, the look of a lost dog. 

Truthfully, I thought the same thing -- that no matter how much we loved him, he would always carry the look in his eyes of a dog that had been confined for the first part of his life.

Well, I was wrong...
THIS is Uno.  The REAL Uno.
Welcome Home, Pup...

Click on the following link to see the slideshow sent to me by "Spanish Owner" to see the Beagles shortly after their rescue.  

Thank you, Spanish -- for everything you and your friends did to bring our Beagle home.

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